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Resolution and Achievement 2014

Well. This is a blog that everybody can read. And also whoever whant to comment it. Suit yourself. I always prep a resolution for next year and review my resolution. The greatest one that i accomplished this year is become a branding communicator and got a trust to from the branding director to do the branding stuff in surabaya. Also i went to america. That s something beyond my expectation. I remembered that i want to go to australia to see the project. Instead God trust me to learn in USA. Wow. !!! Got a grandprize of apple mac for the job. Cooll... My resolution for 2014 Become an extraordinary person without loosing my basic values. My basic values is Jesus Christ, Honesty and Creative. The achievement planning. 1. Have kids. That me and my wife hope and pray all this 3 years of marriage. 2. Start my own company. The creative partner consuktant 3. Travelling around Java and Makassar. 4. Go to Japan !!!!!!! 5. I had a latest macbook pro for my new company. 6. Launch my o...

10 Guides that The Interviewer think about you

So here is my guides as interviewer to all new employee that being called to the company. I'm being a interviewer for planning project dept. Since 2007. And this is my experience and what i ask and seen. And maybe doesnt represent the general one. 1. DRESS PROPERLY.      Even carrie bradshaw dress damn good. 2. LOOK into my eyes 3. GOOGLING IS THE BEST WAY TO KNOW YOUR COMPANY THAT YOU APPLY 4. DONT WROTE THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND IS YOUR WORK MOTIVATION. 5. ATTITUDE IS MAJOR ASPECT FOR COMPANY 6. HAVE A DREAM TO REACH TO THE STARS AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU GO TO THERE 7. YOURE NOT IN HIGHSCHOOL PEOPLE. SO TRY TO SPEAK IN GOOD WORDS. NOT PASAR ATUM OR JOWO 8. BRING THE BEST OF YOU 9. DONT UNDERESTIMATE OR MAKE A BAD IMPRESSION FOR YOUR LATE JOB OR COMPANY. DOING THAT DOESNT MAKE YOU GOOD. 10. ENJOY THE MOMENT. So there you go. If you had any ideas. Please comment. I'm appreciate it.

Smartphone is a SMART You

Recently i'm using my smartphone more and more wisely and more efficient. Well my journey of mobile phone start in my 3rd semester of the college way back 13 years ago. At those time i'm using erricson T10, a blue one with flip cover. A nice and elegant one with monochrome display. And the lavish of that phone is i get postpaid number. While my friends had prepaid one. (Proud smile... :) ). My dad trust me with about 100.000 rupiahs a month for the pulse. I can only text and phone call. Yeah what you expect thart time. But the phone make my communication become more better. When i got my 1st work 9 years ago and it still work in the same place until npw. LOL. I bought with my money nokia 3xxx. Ive forgot it. But its a kinda cute phobe. Its already got a colorful display. There's a game on it. And it can listen radio. Coool. But it only just for phone call and text only. The internet booming and the technology innovation in the mobile phone rush like a storm. And more mob...

Walking is battlefield

Somehow i tend to walk in a close distance for about 1,5 km. And i like to walk, since i don't regularly doing exercise. And what i said that walking in this city like a battlefield, cause you walking in the road. Yap, just a small part of the city that have an appropriate pedestrian, and in the CBD area. But i think it's our fault not to give a proper pedestrian, and also the developer (i work in developer also), and government have a part to blame also. Why dont we give a proper pedestrian, so we can enjoy to walk, and pedestrian is filled with trees and steetscape, and i mean there's any  street vendor also, and motorcycle run in the road. I classified the person who drive their motorcycle in the pedestrian is a Moron. Anyway, if we give a proper one, people tend to walk, and they also want to use a public translortation, and the substitution jntu a mass rapid transportantion will be easier. The streetscape also need to be thjnk of, so many great planner liveinn this c...

Inspirational Class -Phase 1-

So, i will wrote down what i've done today. What is Inspirational Class : Inspirational Class is an independent volunteer program to share our profesion in work to the elementary students in Indonesia. And this is the second time the Class being held in 6 cities. Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya and Pekanbaru. If you want to know further, before you read my stories about it. you can open in this link : (Note : This website support Indonesian Language only), But you can know the soul of this program by watching all the videos and the photos of last Inspirational Class that held in Jakarta last year. So, I've given task to share my profesion in Bangkingan 2 Elementary School in West Surabaya, It's about 5 km from my workplace. But the difference is so wide, the infrastructure, the sosioculture. Only 10 minutes away, but you can't expect the same ambience. OBSERVATION We're start with observation in this elementary...


Okay, this note is  My list about what kind of person that i categorized as a STUPID and MORON : 1. They who can bought a car sometimes an expensive car, but they drive like BEMO or ANGKOT. And the WORST is when we're stop in the PEDESTRIAN CROSS and the PEDESTRIAN light still flash GREEN, and THEY horn very LOUD  2.They who can bought motorcycle but drive like they want to go to TOILET, and CROSS the rules. Are yo u insane ? 3. They who can BOUGHT a SMARTPHONE !! But they can't choose which one is SPAM, which one is HOAX, and the important THING and they BROADCAST it to everyone they know. PEOPLE check the INFORMATION 1st, before you BROADCAST it ! ESPECIALLY TEST CONTACT things ! What the .... ? 4. They who can't PARK THEIR WAGON (CAR/MOTORCYCLE) Right in the proper place and the right line. You most follow in twitter @parkirlubangsat... You will know what i MEAN. 5. They who throw garbage in the street from their Cars or their Vehicle ? Hey, you make others suffers wi...