So, i will wrote down what i've done today.
What is Inspirational Class :
Inspirational Class is an independent volunteer program to share our profesion in work to the elementary students in Indonesia. And this is the second time the Class being held in 6 cities. Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya and Pekanbaru.
If you want to know further, before you read my stories about it. you can open in this link : (Note : This website support Indonesian Language only), But you can know the soul of this program by watching all the videos and the photos of last Inspirational Class that held in Jakarta last year.
So, I've given task to share my profesion in Bangkingan 2 Elementary School in West Surabaya, It's about 5 km from my workplace. But the difference is so wide, the infrastructure, the sosioculture. Only 10 minutes away, but you can't expect the same ambience.
We're start with observation in this elementary last Saturday 16 February 2013. With volunteer friends Syamsuri (Security), Aulia (Translator) and Yuni (Photographer).
We've discuss with the teacher about our purposes, and also observing the school infrastructure such as the library, classes, and also the facilities that the school have.
We've also have a small discussion with the 6th Grade, and asking about what they want to be when they grown up. And they said that they want to be a doctor, army, and policemen, but they dont have any clues about other profesion. And that will become our task in 20th February 2013 to share about our profesion.
And after that ANDI giving his drawing to me and said that i must took it for a memorable things, I said to him, no i want you to keep it, so it will become a memorable thing from you that you will design better than this design. And i've heard when he testify for testimony, he want to be an Architect. Well, we will see about that.
After that we've took a photograph with all the committee and the teacher in SDN Bangkingan 2.
Well this is the short story about it. I will upload it more with excited statements from the children... Stay Tuned. Kelas Inspirasi ROCKS !!!
What is Inspirational Class :
Inspirational Class is an independent volunteer program to share our profesion in work to the elementary students in Indonesia. And this is the second time the Class being held in 6 cities. Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya and Pekanbaru.
If you want to know further, before you read my stories about it. you can open in this link : (Note : This website support Indonesian Language only), But you can know the soul of this program by watching all the videos and the photos of last Inspirational Class that held in Jakarta last year.
So, I've given task to share my profesion in Bangkingan 2 Elementary School in West Surabaya, It's about 5 km from my workplace. But the difference is so wide, the infrastructure, the sosioculture. Only 10 minutes away, but you can't expect the same ambience.
We're start with observation in this elementary last Saturday 16 February 2013. With volunteer friends Syamsuri (Security), Aulia (Translator) and Yuni (Photographer).
We've discuss with the teacher about our purposes, and also observing the school infrastructure such as the library, classes, and also the facilities that the school have.
We've also have a small discussion with the 6th Grade, and asking about what they want to be when they grown up. And they said that they want to be a doctor, army, and policemen, but they dont have any clues about other profesion. And that will become our task in 20th February 2013 to share about our profesion.
This is what non official canteen that children goes when they have a break This small stall is located in front of the school |
I woke up @ 430 am today, and so excited about it. And after taking a preparation, @630 am I went from my house and pickup my friends Aulia, and then rush to the school. we're discussing while driving to the school about how important of education in Indonesia and all factor such as schools, parents and government is 3 important key to produce a good education and all of us as a volunteer become their watcher and give a supportive boost for the children.
When we've already arrived in the school, our other colleague Mujiaman (Consultant) alreay arrived in the School from @6 am. WOW. Amazing. and after that other friends coming, Risty (The coordinator), Stephanie (Videographer). And we're start with praying before we're start the sharing. We've got about 70 minutes in class, and we're doing by ourself without the teacher. O My gosh.....
So this is my journey in the class. The headmaster (Ms. Ningsih) accompany me to the the class. I've been chosen to share my profesion to the 5th grade. I said to her, that i'm very excited and nervous. And she laugh and strengthen me, that you can do it.
And i enter the class, and give a welcoming greeting. Assalamualaikum.... and then Selamat Pagi (good morning), and after that i'm very confidence with what i want to share. I introduce myself and i ask them to call me Kak (Brother) rather than Pak (Sir), cause i want to start a relationship with all the students, and i called them Adik (Little Brother) rather than Murid-murid (Students).
I've give them small ice breaking, about coordination and hearing. And they enjoy it very much, even though they mistaken, but I'm happy when they laugh about it. Before i continued with my sharing, i'm giving them a play rules such as : ACTIVE ( Participating with all the activities, and asking) and RESPECT ( So whoever speak in the front of the class, they must listen and respect the spokeperson). And they agree with that. :)
The funny part when i'm asking them if they can guess my profesion and they said that i'm a UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. LOL. And i said to them, i've already graduate about 10 years ago. And they said : Wow, that's a long time. And i'm feeling older than my real age. LOL.
So i'm giving a clue by showing building image such as hotels, residential houses, apartment, office tower, hospital and such as. And one of the students can guess that i'm an architect, but i told them that i'm an architect graduate but works as A Research & Development in Developer Company. And sharing about my profesion.
One of my key to attract their attention is my origamic architecture that i've built in 2 days. And it works !!! YAYYY....
After that i talking about creativity process, that if they want to become an Architect or such as like me, they need to have a creativity mindset. A creativity is making something difference than others and unique. It tooks a short or long paths, but need to be strengthen all times. And i'm giving their example by asking one of them to draw a house, and he draw it and i'm guiding him about the creativity process. So they can get a simple example of it.
After that : WORKSHOP time. I'm asking them to draw and design whatever building that they want in whatever places. If you want to design in a beach, or in the mountain go ahead, You wanna draw a house, an office tower, a hospital, a mosque go ahead . Oh yeah, i'm giving them also how to SHARE and WORK with others with giving them limited coloring pen, and they have to share with their friends if they wanna use it. And VOILA they can do it good. I'm giving them 15 minutes for drawing, of course an extra 5 minutes.
Most of the students draws a house like this. A design that still used in 2013. O my gosh... An old concept that still being used until now, the design that i draw when i still elementary school and kindergarten.
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House Design |
When i seen it, i have to do something for it, but i will wait until they finished their drawing. So, i'm checking all the drawing, and helping giving them idea what they want to draw, and stuff. When they said that my drawing is not good enough, i said to them : Hey, it's not about good or not, it's about the process to do something different, and i'm giving them a drawing example about it. And they can understand with it. Thank God.
Bagus drawn a mountain view with houses |
So when the times up. I'm choosing 3 students that i think they deserve to presentate to their friends. First is Andy : The big guy in the class, cause his body is more bigger and taller than other friends, and his teacher that he is a bad boy. (But I think his not. :) ) He draw about a football stadium in Bangkingan, and i said his good with his imagination, his giving a perspective what the football stadium like from bird eye view. AMAZING. with all the facilities that he's imagine, and said that all of the 5th grade become supporter for the football team, and he said his friends become the official, and I'm become the referee. (SMILE)
Second one is Gufron. His drawing Suramadu Bridge, well i kind of confused, i'm giving a task to draw a building, but he draws a bridge, and i think this kid is creative in different thing. And asking why he draw the bridge, Simple answer. Cause i like it. Okay....
Third one is FIRMAN. He design a 20th floor hotel with fruit trees and the fruits when it harvest, he plan to sell it to the customer who stayed in the hotel. And the hotel located in Bangkingan. LOL.
Well i said that the best three got a special reward from me. So i'm giving FIRMAN and GUFRON a set of color pencil and special for ANDI : A Creativity book.
They excited with it. and after that i've go to finish the lesson, and we're took photos together
5th Grade SDN Bangkingan 2 |
And after that ANDI giving his drawing to me and said that i must took it for a memorable things, I said to him, no i want you to keep it, so it will become a memorable thing from you that you will design better than this design. And i've heard when he testify for testimony, he want to be an Architect. Well, we will see about that.
After that we've took a photograph with all the committee and the teacher in SDN Bangkingan 2.
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Commitee, Volunteer, Photographer, Teachers in SDN Bangkingan 2 |
Well this is the short story about it. I will upload it more with excited statements from the children... Stay Tuned. Kelas Inspirasi ROCKS !!!
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