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Smartphone is a SMART You

Recently i'm using my smartphone more and more wisely and more efficient. Well my journey of mobile phone start in my 3rd semester of the college way back 13 years ago.

At those time i'm using erricson T10, a blue one with flip cover. A nice and elegant one with monochrome display. And the lavish of that phone is i get postpaid number. While my friends had prepaid one. (Proud smile... :) ). My dad trust me with about 100.000 rupiahs a month for the pulse. I can only text and phone call. Yeah what you expect thart time. But the phone make my communication become more better.

When i got my 1st work 9 years ago and it still work in the same place until npw. LOL. I bought with my money nokia 3xxx. Ive forgot it. But its a kinda cute phobe. Its already got a colorful display. There's a game on it. And it can listen radio. Coool. But it only just for phone call and text only.

The internet booming and the technology innovation in the mobile phone rush like a storm. And more mobile phone came out and the smartphone also.

My business smartphone is nokia 6230i and let i tolad you that i adore that phone much. Cause it can store mp3 on it. And i start using the agenda and reminder in it. And for the internet browsing. Nope. Havent use it.

And next phase is a palm or pda. Ive used it also. But it take more effort to use it. And because of the indonesia provider at the time doesnt give an internet package access. And it cost much. I'm not sure is this smartphone will work for me.

I'm using blackberry in 2009 and i said to myself. Wow this product is totally awesome. This is what i need. An internet browsing. The marvelous bbm features. You can open your email directly at the palm of your hand. How cool is tthat. And you can listen your favourite song also while you work.

And then as my work become more and more mobile and dying for the global access. I start to thinking. Is this product will help me with my daily life and work.

While the price of the smartphone product become more expensive each time they launch it. I become more carefully to choose the phone that will suit me best.

Is it make me more prestigious if i hold in my hand when i'm walk or i just put in my trouser or my suit pocket. But i dont even care about the prestigious. My opinion if you hold expensive phone. And youre only used for social media. The camera to took the picture And chatting around. And for the call. What. Thats it?

It's not worth at all i think and the fool part if you using some kind of jailbreak to get the advantage  getting a paid application for free. Why you bought such an expensive phone but you cant paid not more than 20.000 rupiahs for the apps ?

So i think it's not the smartphone that you need. But more a way of thinking to be a smart person to use a phone. You dont need such an expensive and advanced phone if youre not using all the featur that they had.

Okay maybe about 80 % of it. But if less. You should consider less advance one. I kind of shock when i'm interviewing one of the employee candidate. That he using only an old one, cause he said. If you need me you can call me and text me and he will reply it at those time. And just for an information : he's still 24 years old.
Are he using the social media ? Yes he is. But he used it not in work.

Wow that's a good way of thinking and i think he is smart with what he done until now.

So if youre asking what i'm using right now. I'm using galaxy note 2 by samsung. Cause it fit me perfectly. Like updating this blog using this phone. :)


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