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I exactly don't have any idea at all. How the company see us as a capital asset. What if we work in the company that dont think a employee is a capital asset ? What should we do about it. Quit your job and find a better company that treat and respect you as a capital asset. Is it easy. I don't think so...

So, the worst part is when you work in a company that say that employee is capital asset, but you don't feel it that way, yeah it reflect how they pay you. Why is so hard a company to give a good salary or facilites to the their employee, if you have a standard and bla bla bla about competency skill and sort of, it means that you already prepare for giving the good one. I don't say that about high paymnet or else, but you give the properly and it's been a standard in similar companies.


Totally it give me a headache and also make me think more (All the time, even in my dream also) about how the company respect me by given of my salaries. And that's become unhealthy in my mind and phisics about how the company pay their employee. I'm shock when i told by my dad that my sister got an offering from a reputable companies to become a lecturer, more higher than myself that already been working almost 8 years. Barely i know a little about this company that offering , and i know that my sister have a good attitude and professional working. So i said that the company sees the potential of the human capital.

So, frankly i'm envy with that. And i'm thinking again, is it the time I have to left the company to gain a better salary, or i ask the company to give a proper salary for me. (My wife said that i've got the salary below than the most of the structural job that i entrust right now). So, how i fixed this complicated things.

I'm not the only one that felt this before, i know that someone else had too, maybe with the same condition like me, maybe don't. Truly i like what i done in my works, I freely to work my idea, and how the company support me.

I studied and read about the human capital, and i'm a little exciting when my director said that i'm a change agent in this company i work. But like he said, i have to be a breakthrougher. So, when i brave myself to ask  for a higher salary and facilities, i also ask the raise of my staff also. Cause i know how DAMN GOOD they are. And i know myself how GOOD I am.

So, in the end. I bravely to ask. That's the important thing. ASK FOR the RAISE. At least if they disagree with that. Hey I already try, and even though they REJECT it. I Can stand up with a Brave and can walk out that door, I already took a bravery to spoke for myself and what i'm fighting for. I want to fight for a HUMAN CAPITAL ASSETS!!!

Wish me a good ACT ! God speed.


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