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Sunday, 24 July 2016
Starbucks Coffee, Graha Pena

Lately the Pokemon Go is like a viral outbreak in Surabaya. Most of people i known, installed the pokemon go and they swipe their phone with excitement.

Even though the application is took from the APK and not the original playstore or IOS.

The excitement to lookup for Pokemon and get lost is very very entertaining. It help me to have fun furthermore in my morning exercise in my area.

One of my friend suggest me to open a website that help me to find pokemon around my area. And hunt for the rarest one.

I said to him. " i dont want to loose my excitement, i want to stay foolish to enjoy it"

Yeah... that was I said.

I think that the guy out there that create pokemon go want the user to explore. Walking, to seek an adventure with they friend or even do solo.

And that is what i want to be. Just enjoy the excitement. Even though i will got more obstacle such as the pokemon run away (Darn it!) Or the internet is not good in that area.

Become foolish is necessary. Just like when you try a new dishes. You had curiosity, excitement and wonders

Is it good ?
Is it make me alergic ?
Is it will become my favourite

And so many thing

I remember the first time i ate sushi. Not the nigiri sushi but the california roll (fusion sushi) in one of the japanese restaurant in surabaya.

I kind of excited about it. With the avocado, the salmon, and the roe also the seaweed. I imagine that will be nice.

I ate one of the sushi and then...... yikes. I taste a different sensation in my tongue. I never ate raw fish. And the salmon is raw.

Frankly it make me wanna throw up. But i try to ate it, while my face visualised i dont want to ate it.

But, i wanna taste more. Want to try it again. And now it become my favourite food.

Foolish make us to become an empty cup, that ready to be poured with water, coffee,tea or wine. Many sensation and emotion.

Just dont be too smart already, if you try the first time or you already did multiple times. Just let it be. There will be many things happened.

Enjoy all the process and just seek the excitement.

And right now i read this book. Think like a freak by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. And i will become a foolish to fill mu cup.

Enjoy the day.


  1. Enjoy your morning coffee mas'e...
    A Tumbler size of coffee?! Well.. It is enough making your freaking sunday sprites all day :D

  2. Actually.... it is a good green tea latte with soy and no sugar.

    Not a coffee addict. ��.

    Cheers mas !


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