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Phone in Refridgerator

A little boy with a big smile came up from the bathroom. Fresh fragrance from the soap that he used, make the entire room feel refreshing.

Suddenly he walk to the bed. And there's a black thing took his attention. A Galaxy Note phone with black case.

He took it. And try to swipe the display. And it wont open cause of the display lock. He kind of sad because of it.

Then he took the phone and walk to the refrigerator. He open it. And store the phone in the fridge.

.........  so what are you thinking?

The little boy is 3 years old. And he is my nephew. And the phone are my phone.
And when i know what he did. I pickup the phone and it's already become cold a bit.

And i called his name. And he only smiled.
Last time he hide my phone in a small cabinet in my parent house.

I only said to him is not nice to hide people stuff. And i hope he understand it.

Kid alwas be a kid. Some mischieves that they do. The courage to experiment something.

When we grow up. We might hold our thought or act to experiment something. We're afraid about how people think.
We dont want people to see us weird.

But sometimes. You need just do it. Let it go. To seek new things.

I dont know, Maybe with the cold phone. It might come up idea. To make some apps that give alarm to us if the temperature is low or become high. When the phone affected with the temperature.

Or if our phone give a beep alarm if the phone not used for 1 hour. So we can seek it if we forget where we put our phone.

So don't be afraid to experiment.


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