I think it is very very rare, that people now a days, not connected themselves in the internet. They connect they life with social media, social messenger, news, blog, video sharing, online gaming and stuff. And I also think that 1/6 of my day (About 4 hours) i used to connect myself into this internet thingy. With every time i post something in the social media, or anything that connect to the internet, i reveal myself. That's okay for me, but again if i exposed too much, will i lose my privacy as a character ? I connect myself in the internet when i think the first social media application comes up in the 1999 or 2000. It called the Friendster, and then in 2003 or 2004 i connect myself in Facebook until right now and a couple of social media. I post many photo, many moments, many things, joke, laughter, invitation of online gaming, news.... whatever i like to post, i will post it. But right now, i only post something that i think matter for me and i think impo...
A Journey of Minds, Thought & Action of me..