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A Reflection to becoming a Netizen

I think it is very very rare, that people now  a days, not connected themselves in the internet.
They connect they life with social media, social messenger, news, blog, video sharing, online gaming and stuff.

And I also think that 1/6 of my day (About 4 hours) i used to connect myself into this internet thingy.
With every time i post something in the social media, or anything that connect to the internet, i reveal myself. That's okay for me, but again if i exposed too much, will i lose my privacy as a character ?

I connect myself in the internet when i think the first social media application comes up in the 1999 or 2000. It called the Friendster, and then in 2003 or 2004 i connect myself in Facebook until right now and a couple of social media.

I post many photo, many moments, many things, joke, laughter, invitation of online gaming, news.... whatever i like to post, i will post it. But right now, i only post something that i think matter for me and i think important.

I've been thinking, that if i post to much about myself, did i change my original character? Okay, people change, but it is people change by how others give thumb up in their status, or post like in their picture or comment.

I think i don't wanna be that person. Truly I like people like my posting, and couple time that i think my posting is not good, 'cause less person like it. But i dont really care bout it. What i'm post is i think that is important and have good message for me, and other that i tag for it. It is personal memory that someday when i see it again, i know that feeling when i post.

And sometimes some memories is too memorable to post in the internet, i just kept in my mind and heart. 

I don't know if people do like someone post, it is the person know what is the memorable times, that the person likes felt, or just ooo this one is good, oo the photo is nice, and just simply like it. 

I try to comment or like with something that affect my mind and heart. if it doesn't well, it not necessary for me to like someone post. Even that is my family or friends who post it.

I try to google myself, and voila there is my story in the facebook, and then instagram, my linkedin, and others. And when i see it, i felt that, i need to control who can view my profile, or who can reach me. It migh I become insecure with the free of things in the internet. 

But I just try to protect myself, and my character. My character shaped in the process of real life, and not in the social media or internet. Well it might affect with the internet thingy. But I try to control my internet life, and really work hard for the real life.

So what about you ? Do you share your life in the internet, and how far you will share it?

Please comment below.



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