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Be Nice and be A gentlemen

Be Nice and Be a Gentlemen

Is there any chivalry left today ? No, i don't speak about the knight and dragon, we will talk about it later. My point is about good manners that people now a day. Why i question it ?

Am i doing the chivalry ? Yes i do until now. Did i ever missed ? Yes I did. So what reason that make me don't do my chivalry. OF Course : My EGO.

What kind of EGO that i talk about : It is my mind that saying It's not my business, or  that is not my part, and i don't want to involved further in that issue, also i don't want people bother me again if i did that act.

That is a bunch of reason that i make. But that is true. I don't know you guys if you think and feel the same like i did.

And back in the topic, why i do the chivalry ?What is so important for me. Well, i did it because i wanna make things better, i wanna help people. And the world need LOVE. It is a silly but it a sincere reason, I did it on purpose, if i do better to someone, well that goodness will back to me again. Sooner or later.

The question is how you want to help others and if it bothering you, do you still do it ?

Chivalry is come from heart and mind. What your inner heart say to you ? If you dont do it, do you felt sorry about that. Sometimes when i dont do the chivalry, i dont feeling right. i can't think right for a while, and sometimes blame myself

I still in the process of learning how be a good person in my life. And that process will never end. And if you wanna spread the LOVE, just be nice to others and do the chivalry. I dont guarantee that you will get something good and nice directly,but it will come to you eventually.

People tend to become selfish in certain event, when it happens, just show that you're still nice and have a good manner. Some people will see that act, and they will learn to act good also. And if you want to stop the selfish chain. Just do goodness everytime.

I just still remember my chivalry back then in Jogjakarta. I just finished my shopping and i bring a big box with my both hands, and when i see in the side of the street, I see an old lady has difficulty to walk to cross to where i walk in that street. It's a busy street. And nobody helping her out. I wait for a minute, and i made up my mind, So, i decided to cross the street to the old lady, and help her out to cross the street. She just say " Makasih ya dik or Thank you young man"  I said " Sama sama bu  or You're welcome mam"

And that day, i felt happy even i still bring that heavy big box, the big box is become lighter when i do the goodness.

Well, i hope we still bring chivalry in this selfish world.


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