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Miracles in daily life

Let me share you about this story.

How you will react to it, it will depend on your mind and heart. If you are a person who believe in miracle and God, let this story become something that strengthen your faith.

If you're the person that based on logic, let it be a story to remind to us to spread kindness.

This is a sharing about how we pray, how we still have faith and hope. How simple things will affect your life and others.

I have a friend. She live with her mother and her little brother. 5 years old. And just attend kindergarden. Her mom is a single mom and they work  selling food like bento lunch that made by order. They dont have much. And they struggle in their daily economic life.

Okay. Let me change my story to myself.

I get offer from my friend above to order lunch in monday (4 september). She  contact me in wednesday (30 August) and i order some bento lunch to her. And we dont talk anything beside the order.

And in thursday (31 August), somewhat i think about her little brother. And in my heart say that i want to bought him some stationery and books that he might need it in his school. 

Next sunday night, after some errands that i need to do, I got tired but i remember my plan, and i ask my wife. Do you think we bought the stationery this nite or later. She said : suit yourself. And i dont want to postponed it so we go to the nearest book store and shop there.

We choose this 24 colours crayon, some pencils and pencil sharpener and some books and coloring books.

Next monday. I met with my friend. And i said to her. This is for your brother. And she said. "Thank you so much", but she doesnt  check the things that we bought.

Later. She snap the picture and share in her insta stories that God is good and work in the right time.

And I ask her why she post that quotes. Later she told the stories.

Last thursday her little brother ask her mom crayon. Because he doesnt have crayon so he can use it. His sister bought him crayon long time ago and already broken apart. They can't bought him the crayon cause they need the money for some matters.

He need the crayon for next tuesday (5 September), and they told him that they can't bought it yet. Then, my friend open the stationery that i bought for her little brother. And she shocked that there's a crayon and bunch of things that needed for her little brother in school.

She talk to her mom, and they both keep silent and see each other. They felt so happy and surprised also, she want to cry but she can't and rather keep silence and say in her heart : Thank you Lord.

She sent me her little brother video to me and her little brother say thank you very much and pray also give blessing for me and my wife.

I felt goosebump when she told the stories to me. And I just say. Thank you Lord for using me and my wife as vessel to share God blessing to others.

We felt happy, and this moment strengthen our faith. That God give everything according His plan and in the right time. And we're need to trust it to God. Just don't loose hope.

For me, miracles can happen each day, and sometimes that miracle is spreading like fire. And give  people hope that good things happen. So don't be foolish, just share what you had, be nice to others,  and eventually the good things will happen


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